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    Food Waste Collection made easy!

    “What is the process of this service?”


    - EG provides you with an empty 5 Gallon bucket.

    - The resident fills the bucket with the list of accepted items.

    -The client puts the bucket on their doorstep on pick up day

    - EG picks up the bucket with food scraps and leaves a sanitized one on the resident's doorstep.

    - Pick up is done weekly

    - This process allows the resident never to have to worry about cleaning the bucket,

    dealing with maggots, vermin, or foul odor.

    Serving prescott and Russell United Counties 

    “How much does all of this cost?”

    In reality, the cost of the service is free but there are operational cost that need to be met. Therefore, Esperance Group charges

    $12.89 per month taxes included, which comes to $3.22 per week and 0.42 cents per day!

    We are determined to make sure no resident or business is left out.​​


    Sign up today!


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